‘Raw pain comes like hammer blows. This is great acting.’
The Guardian
‘Awe inspiring and unforgettable … His Prince is like few others. Only when his fathers ghost reveals the truth behind his murder, is Hamlets Pandora’s box of passions unleashed. His is a tragedy not so much of indecision but of overwhelming and self-destructive revenge.
Mr. Walkers brand of madness carries a terrifying reckless anarchy. Natasha Parry’s closet scene with the avenging Mr. Walker crackles with danger and drama. This production by Declan Donnellan puts it in the first league for its boldness of concept and skill.‘
The Daily Mail
‘But if you had to single out one special feature of his performance as the Prince of Denmark in Declan Donnellan’s fine production, it would be the hitherto uncharacteristic quality of soul.
It’s the compelling innerness of his account that impresses more than the external quirks and raw emotionalism. This is a characterisation you feel has been built from the inside out. For what Walker never lets you forget is that the hero’s self-obstructed progress to revenge is also a spiritual journey.’
The Independent
‘Cheek by Jowl have done it again, producing a Hamlet distinguished in all respects but most notably in its clarity of meaning and purpose.
But even all this intelligence would go for nothing without Timothy Walker’s Hamlet who perfectly combines scholar, artist and abandoned child. His anguish at the loss of his father is as fresh as if we had never witnessed it before, his soliloquies seem wrested from his conscience. I have seen very many Hamlets, but none who has given me so many new insights into the meanings of his soliloquies as this one. Shakespeare would have loved it.’
City Limits